Workplace Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination - Webinar Wednesday
Wed, 05 Mar
|Zoom Meeting

05 Mar 2025, 10:00 am – 10:30 am AEST
Zoom Meeting
About the Event
Workplace Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination - Webinar Wednesday
Facilitated by Rarni Rothwell
OSHC services have the legal responsibility to provide a safe place of work. Bullying, harassment and discrimination are inappropriate and unreasonable behaviours and a serious issue for any employer. The potential costs to organisations and individuals are financially and emotionally significant. The nature of this kind of behaviour has a profound impact on individuals providing care and protection to children in our OSHC communities and can have long lasting implications for mental and psychological health. However, what constitutes workplace bullying, discrimination and harassment is often misunderstood.
This session will look to clarify these unlawful employee behaviours; including what they are, what managers should do in response, what employees can do and how fair and productive OSHC workplaces can proactively mitigate the risk.
This session is suited to professionals at all career stages.
NQS: QA4 and QA7
PD & T Package Subscriber
Service has a current subscription to the OSHC Professional Development and Training Package. ***Please note: Participants who are not subscribed to the package will be invoiced the relevant rates.
A$0.00Non - Members (14 days access)
1 registration per service (whole TEAM access). 14 days access. Members prices apply to services who are a member of their state or territory's peak body. All prices are excluding GST.
A$120.00Tax: +A$12.00 GSTMembers (14 days access)
1 registration per service (whole TEAM access). Available to view for 14 days. Members prices apply to services who are a member of their state or territory's peak body. All prices are excluding GST.
A$100.00Tax: +A$10.00 GST