Upcoming Events and Training
Upcoming Events

PANOSH (Physical Activity & Nutrition Outside School Hours)
PANOSH aims to improve the nutrition and physical activity levels of Queensland children attending OSHC by providing customised information, training and support for OSHC services.
The current PANOSH resource was built on a previous program which commenced in 2002 and successfully improved access to healthy food choices and increased play-based physical activities in OSHC.
Further information, training and resources can be found at www.panosh.com.au
QCAN are the Queensland and Northern Territory Branch of the National Outside School Hours Services Alliance (NOSHSA).
The National Outside School Hours Services Alliance (NOSHSA) is a network of all Australian State and Territory Out of School Hours Services (OSHC) Associations. These organisations promote the provision of Out of School Hours Services and act as a united voice to advocate both to Government and the community for excellence in service provision.