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Webinar Wednesday - Principles of Trauma Informed Care

Wed, 24 Apr


Zoom Meeting

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Webinar Wednesday - Principles of Trauma Informed Care
Webinar Wednesday - Principles of Trauma Informed Care


24 Apr 2024, 10:00 am – 10:30 am AEST

Zoom Meeting

About the Event

Principles of Trauma Informed Care

In Outside School Hours Care, we provide care for children and families from diverse backgrounds, some of which may include traumatic experiences. Exposure to trauma has significant implications for children during crucial developmental years. While there is limited data on the prevalence of trauma in Australia, several studies suggest that between 57%-75% of Australians will experience a potentially traumatic event across their life. International studies estimate that 62%-68% of young people will be exposed to at least one traumatic event by the age of 17.

Given these statistics, it is likely that children in our care may have experienced multiple adverse childhood experiences that we are not made aware of. These children may present with a range of complex behaviours related to these prior experiences, which to date may never have been linked to their exposure to trauma. As a result, they may face a response that is at best ineffective or worse, potentially re-traumatising.

Trauma informed care is a framework that is based on the knowledge and understanding of how trauma affects people’s lives.  This session will support participants by;

  • Introducing the principles of trauma informed care
  • considering how the principles of trauma informed care can influence their pedagogy and practice

This session is suited to OSHC professionals at all career stages.

NQS: QA1, QA2, QA5, QA6, QA7


  • Members (whole TEAM access)

    1 registration per service (whole TEAM access) Members prices apply to services who are a member of their state or territory's peak body. All prices are inclusive of GST.

    Sale ended
  • NonMembers (whole TEAM access)

    1 registration per service (whole TEAM access) Members prices apply to services who are a member of their state or territory's peak body. All prices are inclusive of GST.

    Sale ended



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