Vacation Care Risk Management - Special Events, High Risk Activities, Excursions, Incursions & COVID - Webinar Wednesday
Wed, 10 Nov
|Zoom Meeting

10 Nov 2021, 9:30 am – 11:00 am
Zoom Meeting
About the Event
Vacation Care Risk Management - Special Events, High Risk Activities, Excursions, Incursions & COVID - Webinar Wednesday
Facilitated by Kylie Brannelly
Outside School Hours Care Services face external and internal factors and influences that impact operations and achievement of objectives. Managing risks is vital in supporting services to set strategy and make informed decisions. Managing risk is part of governance and leadership and is fundamental to how a service is managed and operates at all levels.
This session uses the Australian Standard – Risk management guidelines as a framework to comprehensively:
• Identify risk
• Analyse risk
• Evaluate risk; and
• Treat risk
Participants will learn about best practice risk management approaches which also include how the risks are monitored and reviewed, recorded and reported as well as appropriate strategies for communication and consultation.
Each participant will receive a resource kit including a sample policy statement, templates and sample risk assessments which are aligned to the Australian Standard.
This session is intended to empower participants to recognise risk and implement appropriate and relevant risk assessment techniques so that opportunities can be pursued to enhance outcomes for children and families. Being able to effectively communicate with key stakeholders the benefit of risk assists in making informed decisions and protecting the interests of the Nominated Supervisor and Approved Provider.
all prices are GST Inclusive
A$45.00Sale endedOSHC SA Members
all prices are GST Inclusive
A$45.00Sale endedNon Members
all prices are GST Inclusive
A$55.00Sale ended